Saturday, March 3, 2012


Did you know that the life of a follower of Jesus is actually lived simultaneously on two planes? Physically your body is here on earth right now. But your spirit is hidden in Christ Jesus. Where is Jesus physically at right now? He is seated at the right hand of God. The bible says that we are seated with Christ in heavenly realms now. So that means that you are actually living in two planes at the same time. This is part of the mystery of the church. But lets think about what that means to the way we see things, the way we live, the authority we walk in and how we handle situations on this planet. Lets think about it. When we think about heaven we think about the system of heaven. Jesus walked in that system here on Earth. He took authority over storms and called dead people to life. Since you are seated in Heaven you have the ability to operate under a different set of principles. Pray this prayer: Father God, show me how to walk on earth as a true believer today.